Sunday, March 24, 2013

111. Calendar Update 2 and Sketches: Days 109 to 120

     Here is an update on the calendar so far. I ended up getting sick last week so I didn't get as far as I wanted to on it. I need to finish putting the rest of the symbols in place, and aligning all the actual days. I think I may end up making a new symbol for June. I was originally doing a beach ball and it just didn't look quite right, so I am trying to work that out. Other than that I am just trying to narrow down which fonts I will end up using. The 2013 will also end up being 2014, I was trying different fonts and didn't notice I was using the wrong year.

     I have also started to upload more of my Society6 pieces to Redbubble as well ( I have only been adding one or two pieces a day and will continue to add more throughout the week.

     The rest of the pictures are the sketch dailies I have done for days 109 thru 120.

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