Tuesday, September 15, 2015

277. Another Notebook and Sketch Dailies: 1023 to 1026

My Little Lizards themed pattern is up for voting on Spoonflower. The voting page is on their weekly contest page here: http://www.spoonflower.com/contests/319. In the right hand side bar there is the link to view and vote on the entries. The designs are presented randomly on the voting page.
This contest ends tomorrow at Noon EST. Thank you to everyone who votes I greatly appreciate it.

I finished a Cephalopods themed pattern painted with ink wash.
I have made this available in my Redbubble, Society6, and Crated stores.
The pattern has octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus. I am making each of them available individually in my stores over the next few days.

So far I have made my cuttlefish available in my Redbubble, Society6, and Crated stores.
I have also made my Nautilus available in my Redbubble, Society6, and Crated stores.

I finished another notebook. This one is hardcover and measures 8 x 10 inches. I used a pack of loose leaf for this one so it has 150 sheets in it.

The rest of the pictures are for Sketch Dailies : 1023 to 1026.

I also post the sketches daily on my Tumblr: http://svaethdesigns.tumblr.com/


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