Thursday, April 25, 2013

114. Patterns, a Castle, and Sketches: Days 140 to 152

     The sailing pattern from my previous post is now up for voting here: Spoonflower presents the designs randomly so there is no direct link to my my specific design. Voting for that design ends on Wednesday, May 1st.

     I also have a t-shirt up for voting on Threadless for their Real Play contest. A link to my design is here: Below I have a few pictures for this design. The first is the original sketch I did. The second is the original outlines I had done with pen. I ended up not using them, because they didn't come out that good. The last two images are the final design / submission pages. Voting for this design ends on May 5th. Thank you to anyone who votes on either the pattern or the shirt design I really appreciate it.

     The next picture is some rough sketching for another pattern idea. It is fairly rough and I am not sure about a few things. I may end up making two patterns instead of one, but I am not sure yet. I will probably do some more sketching for it in a few days.

     The rest of the pictures are for sketch dailies days 140 to 152. Society6 is also having free shipping thru Sunday:

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